Should you use class based components or functional components?
Well, I think nowadays you want to always opt for functional components whenever possible. It’s real easy to write or use custom hooks that integrate with functional complements nowadays to do almost anything you’d need to do.
Are class based components still relevant? Heck yes. There is so much legacy code out there that needs maintenance and only developers with this skill in their toolkit are qualified. Learn them both. You’ll be glad you did.
I’d love to only use Redux with toolkit. Unfortunately, there are large code bases that still use what I like to call “vanilla Redux” instead of the modern redux, and need to use libraries like redux saga in order to process asynchronous actions. Learn this as well.
Learn the whole gambit. Don’t just learn the new stuff.
Are you a Junior software engineer or aspiring software developer? I am thinking of creating a series of blog posts that are less than a 3 minute read, like this one. Give me a few claps if you’d read my next post.
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